
Juste GOUNGOUNGA is an Associate Professor of Biostatistics and Health Data Science at the Ecole des Hautes Etudes en Santé Publique ( EHESP) and a researcher at the ARENES Laboratory (UMR CNRS 6051), affiliated with the INSERM U1309 team on “Research on Health Services and Management in Health” (RSMS). He has held this position since October 2022.

At EHESP, Dr. GOUNGOUNGA teaches courses on various topics, including French hospital discharge databases ( PMSI), and supervises students. He is also a member of the CENSUR working survival group. His research specializes in statistical methods for epidemiology, particularly non-communicable diseases like cancer, with a focus on identifying and quantifying health inequalities.

He received his medical degree from the University of Ouagadougou in 2012 and transitioned from clinical practice to biostatistics. He completed a Master’s in Public Health, specializing in quantitative and econometric methods for health research, and a Ph.D. in Clinical Research and Public Health with a focus on biostatistics from the University of Aix-Marseille in 2018. His Ph.D. thesis contributed to the extension of relative survival methods in the field of clinical research. While with the Joint Research Unit 1252 SESSTIM (Inserm / IRD / Aix Marseille Université), Dr. GOUNGOUNGA developed the xhaz R package for excess hazard modeling with inappropriate mortality rates. In January 2020, he joined the Burgundy Digestive Cancer Registry/University of Burgundy ( EPICAD team - UMR 1231) as a postdoctoral researcher, supported by the ARC Foundation for Cancer Research. His postdoctoral research focused on estimating time-to-cure for cancer patients, considering disparities in credit and insurance access.

His current research explores inequalities in cancer risk and mortality according to smoking status in patients with chronic kidney disease. Here is a link to my updated list of publications: Updated Publications LIST.


  • Relative survival methods
  • Multistate models
  • Causal inference
  • Statistical methods for disease mapping (e.g., cluster detection methods, Bayesian hierarchical modeling, multivariate disease mapping).
  • Statistical Software Development in R


  • Postdoctoral research, 2020

    Burgundy University/Burgundy Digestive Cancer registry

  • PhD in Clinical research and public Health (option biostatistics), 2018

    Aix Marseille University

  • Master of Public Health (quantitative and econometric methods in health research), 2014

    Aix Marseille University

  • Doctor of Medicine, 2012

    Université de Ouagadougou




Ecole des Hautes Etudes en Santé Publique

2022-10-01 – Present Rennes/Paris

Responsibilities include:

  • Teaching courses on various topics, including hospital epidemiology using the French hospital discharge databases (PMSI)
  • Supervises students (various level).
  • Implement research projects based on statistical methods for epidemiology, particularly non-communicable diseases like cancer, with a focus on identifying and quantifying health inequalities.

Biostatistician researcher

Dijon Teaching University Hospital

2022-01-01 – 2022-09-30 Dijon

Responsibilities include:

  • Perform statistical analysis using French cancer registies data
  • Data management

Postdoctoral research fellow

Université de Bourgogne/Burgundy Digestive Cancer Registry

2020-01-01 – 2021-12-31 Dijon

Responsibilities include:

  • Propose new cure model accounting for inaccurate life tables
  • Model validation (Simulation study)
  • Packaging the R-code


Aix Marseille University

2019-01-01 – 2019-12-31 Marseille, France

Developing adaptative statistical learning platform for statistical learning

Responsibilities include:

  • Automatic generation of simulated statistical exercices
  • Packaging R code


Causal inference for time-to-event outcomes – with practical applications in R

The primary goal of this course was to provide a comprehensive overview of the concepts and methods used to estimate the causal effects of treatments on time-to-event outcomes. The course covered a range of topics, including time-dependent treatments and confounding, inverse probability of treatment weighting and marginal structural models, the g-formula, as well as techniques for handling censoring and competing risks.

PH559x: Causal Diagrams: Draw Your Assumptions Before Your Conclusions

See certificate

Data Science: Productivity Tools

See certificate



External Project

using Rpubs to present differences betwenn chisq.test() and prop.test() R functions via external_link.

Internal Project

See talks page.

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Packages utiles library("parallel") library("foreach") library("microbenchmark") library("tidyverse") Contexte Supposons que l’on souhaite estimer la qualité de prédiction d’un modèle linéaire, ici un modèle linéaire pour la régression de la largeur d’une pétale sur une longueur sur le jeu de données iris de R.

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Curriculum Vitae

Learn more about my professional experience and academic background.

A full list of my publications and grants can be found in my CV